nindinawemaganidog (all of my relations), digital image 5

Rebecca Belmore
July 2 – August 3, 2019

object image

Creative Access Description

A colour landscape image of a large-scale studio photograph in landscape orientation mounted on a white wall in a gallery space. The photograph depicts an Anishinaabe woman sitting semi-prone sideways on one hip on a clay-covered ground. Her clothes, a simple t-shirt and pants, have been caked with mud. She is scrubbing the ground with a clay-soaked rag, a bucket of mud sitting beside her and a focused expression on her face. Her mud-soiled clothing and the vast ochre ground slowly drying create waves of light and darkness, communicating a laborious act enduring the passing of time and space.


Detail shot of the work keeper in nindinawemaganidog (all of my relations). Referencing Rebecca Belmore's 2016 performance, Clay on Stone.


2019.0702 NIN I005


1 digital image


Dennis Ha
​​In copyright. For uses beyond Fair Dealing, research requests, corrections, takedown requests, or other inquiries, please contact grunt gallery: