Catalogue for Jan Wade's exhibition, curated by Daina Augaitis and Elspeth Sage, at the Walter Phillips Gallery from August 29 to October 16, 1994. In the publication, Elspeth Sage cites Wade's exploration of her African and Canadian ancestry as the pivotal force in the artist's choice of imagery, reflecting Black diasporic culture and recent connection with the Afrocubanismo movement and Santeria. Wade and Cuban ethnographer Natalia Bolívar Aróstegui discuss the resonance of the religious movement in the work's symbolism.
L0213Call Number
N6549.W27 A4 1994~root~>Extent
32 pages : illustrations ; softcover 23 cm~root~>Language
092015980X~root~>Place of Publication
Banff, AB~root~>Publication Type
Natalia Bolívar ArósteguiArtist
Jan WadePublisher
Walter Phillips GalleryCollection
grunt gallery LibraryCopyright Walter Phillips Gallery, artists, and authors.~root~>