Indian Art Traditions of the Northwest Coast
Indian Art Traditions of the Northwest Coast is comprised of a collection of eleven articles that came out of a 1976 symposium titled "The Prehistory of Northwest Coast Indian Art." Although decades old, many of these articles are considered classics by students of Northwest Coast art and ethnography. Especially worth noting is Bill Holm’s article titled "Form in Northwest Coast Art." There also is a somewhat speculative article by Wilson Duff on meaning in Northern Northwest Coast art and an article about material from the Ozette archaeological site, which is housed in Neah Bay, Washington, at the Makah Cultural Research Center.
SFU Archaeology Press~root~>
SFU Archaeology Press~root~>
L0191Call Number
E78.N78I48 1983~root~>Extent
214 pages : illustrations ; softcover 28 cm~root~>Language
0864910312~root~>Place of Publication
Burnaby, BC~root~>Publication Type
Bill Holm, Wilson Duff, Wayne Suttles, Doris Lundy, George MacDonald, Charles E. Boyden, Arnoud Stryd, Richard Daugherty, Janet FriedmanPublisher
SFU Archaeology PressEditor
Roy L. CarlsonCollection
grunt gallery LibraryCopyright Department of Archaeology, Simon Fraser University.~root~>