Burning in the Past Tense
Suhail Shadoud
In Burning in the Past Tense, a collection of short stories, poetic interludes, and prose by Syran-born author Suhail Shadoud, the reader is invited to travel from New York to Tartous and from Damascus to Tripoli, to discover characters living between urban and rural Syria, where the personal and familial intersect within the purview of the political and social, between home and street, family and school, university and workplace.
Ashkal Alwan~root~>
Ashkal Alwan~root~>
150 pages ; 22 cm + CD~root~>Language
9789953005416~root~>Place of Publication
Beirut, Lebanon~root~>Publication Type
Rasha SaltiCurator
Christine TohméAuthor
Suhail ShadoudEditor
Mohammad AdraCollection
grunt gallery LibraryCopyright 2005 The Lebanese Association for Plastic Arts, Ashkal Alwan, Christine Tohme, and the author.~root~>