Yasser Arafat Looked at Me and Smiled (Diary of a Fighter)
Yussef Bazzi
Yussef Bazzi’s bilingual Yasser Arafat Looked at Me and Smiled (Diary of a Fighter) is a personal record of one Lebanese young man’s excursion, during the first half of the 1980s, into the streets of war, learning its ways. It is a record of battles and militia existence, spanning the whole of Lebanon, recounting daily paradoxes of living close to death and in chaos.
Ashkal Alwan~root~>
Ashkal Alwan~root~>
L0173Call Number
PJ7816.A99 N39712 2005~root~>Extent
126 pages ; 22 cm~root~>Language
995305400~root~>Place of Publication
Beirut, Lebanon~root~>Publication Type
Yussef BazziCurator
Christine TohméCollection
grunt gallery LibraryCopyright 2005 The Lebanese Association for Plastic Arts, Ashkal Alwan, Christine Tohme, and the author.~root~>