Beside Myself = Hors de moi
Daniel Olson
Beside Myself = Hors de moi is the catalogue of Daniel Olson's exhibition at EXPRESSION, Centre d'exposition de Saint-Hyacinthe, from November 1 to December 21, 2008. A Montreal artist originally from Santa Monica, California, Olson has been working in the field for more than twenty years. His work, which takes many forms, pays special attention to the artist’s role in his work, thereby expressing a desire to join life and art but also examining the concept of identity, which is altered by our ties to others. Daniel Olson’s project brings his world into relation with a visual culture that draws mainly on literature and film. Out of this relation arises a series of objects and experiences of every description in which the pleasure of words, word play and the creative process colours his aesthetic. The exhibition at EXPRESSION, organized by the curator André-Louis Paré, is a retrospective look designed as an opening onto the present using a selection of works produced since 1990.
L0093Call Number
NX513.Z9O482 2010~root~>Extent
127 pages : illustrations ; softcover 27 cm~root~>Language
9782922326697~root~>Place of Publication
Saint-Hyacinthe, QC~root~>Publication Type
Daniel OlsonCollection
grunt gallery LibraryCopyright EXPRESSION, Centre d'exposition de Saint-Hyacinthe, Daniel Olson, André-Louis Paré, and Bernard Schütze.~root~>