Age of Iron, negative 14A

Marie Clements
September 14, 1992

object image

Creative Access Description

A black and white landscape image of a Snaw-Naw-As man with a big smile on his face taken from a low angle, waist up. He has long black hair tied in a ponytail and a moustache, he wears a dark flannel shirt, a lighter t-shirt underneath, and white pants. Behind him, standing in the back left corner of the room is another man with long dark hair, a bandana tied around his head and wearing a black leather jacket. He looks down to his side with a vacant expression. The room is dimly lit, and in the background are white gallery walls and the corner of a collage-like artwork mounted on the wall in the top right corner. 


Documentation of Age of Iron. Darrell Guss and Sam Bob are pictured onstage performing.


1992.0914 AGE I014


1 35mm negative


Merle Addison

Related program

Age of Iron - A Loss of Way (Related)
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