Age of Iron, negative 00
Marie Clements
September 14, 1992
Creative Access Description
A black and white portrait image of two performers engaging in a scene together. On the left is a Six Nations woman with shoulder-length straight black hair wearing a black long-sleeved dress along with a white mask that obscures most of her face except for two slits for the eyes and a gap for the mouth. She is standing facing the camera, and the mouth gap on the mask reveals her opened mouth as if saying a line out loud. Her right arm crosses her body as she grasps the Snaw-Naw-As man beside her. The man is standing with his left foot placed firmly on top of a cubic wooden crate, knee bent, his left elbow resting on top of his thigh while carrying his head by the chin with his hand. He has tan skin and long dark hair tied back in a pony, wearing a white coat draped over his shoulder, a handkerchief hanging from a pocket on the coat, a light-coloured t-shirt, and white pants, along with a white mask similar to the woman’s. The mask is tied around their heads and is sculpted to their face, made from paper mache, plaster or a similarly textured material. In the background, are white gallery walls, a shoe left on the ground, and the shadows of the room’s edge.~root~>Description
Documentation of Age of Iron. Cheri Maracle and Sam Bob are pictured onstage performing. ~root~>Identifier
1992.0914 AGE I006Extent
1 35mm negative~root~>Photographer
Merle AddisonArtist
Marie ClementsRelated program
Age of Iron - A Loss of Way (Related)In copyright. For uses beyond Fair Dealing, research requests, corrections, takedown requests, or other inquiries, please contact grunt gallery: