Reading, Rewriting Poe’s "The Oval Portrait"—In Your Dreams
Jalal Toufic
Reading, Rewriting Poe’s "The Oval Portrait"—In Your Dreams was originally published as this English/Arabic bilingual booklet by Ashkal Alwan. It was reprinted in The Canary, no. 6 in 2006. An abridged version “Reading, Rewriting Poe’s ‘The Oval Portrait’—Angelically” was published in dOCUMENTA (13)’s 100 Notes–100 Thoughts publishing project in English/German in 2011.~root~>
L0074Call Number
PS3570.O76 R43 2006~root~>Extent
38 pages ; softcover 21 cm~root~>Language
995300742x~root~>Place of Publication
Beirut, Lebanon~root~>Publication Type
Jalal TouficCollection
grunt gallery LibraryCopyright 2006 by Jalal Toufic.~root~>