Art Action 1958-1998
A compendium of thirty original papers presented during an international colloquium of artists and theorists, held in Québec from October 20 to 25, 1998, on the development of performance art on the world scene. Divided into two sections, this historic encounter between generations and disciplines provides a rare overview from the 1960s to today. The first section, 1958-1978, relates and interprets the principal events and protagonists of such movements as Fluxus, ZAJ, body art, and action poetry. In the second section, 1978-1998, action art specialists from twenty-one countries relate their own specific experiences—including United States, Mexico, Australia, Spain, and France. Documenting the early work of John Cage, Walter Marchetti, Charles Dreyfus, and Dick Higgins, as well as current practice by a wide range of artists, this profusely illustrated volume is essential reading for anyone interested in the historical phenomenon of performance art in the last half of the twentieth century. In English and French with some international texts also reproduced in their original language—Spanish, Hungarian, and Polish.
Abe Books~root~>
Abe Books~root~>
L0055Call Number
NX50.A74 2001~root~>Extent
496 pages : illustrations ; softcover 31 cm~root~>Language
2920500198~root~>Place of Publication
Québec, QC~root~>Publication Type
Pierre Restany, Jean-Jacques Lebel, Dick Higgins, Charles Dreyfus, Esther Ferrer, Jacques Donguy, Julien Blaine, Danièle RousselEditor
Richard MartelTranslator
Julie BaconPublisher
Éditions InterventionCollection
grunt gallery LibraryCopyright Éditions Intervention, 2001.~root~>