Orpheus, negative 16

Warren Arcand
September 11, 1993

object image

Creative Access Description

Black and white landscape image of an Indigenous man sitting on a low stage. He holds a rolled piece of paper in both hands in his lap and his legs hang over the edge of the stage and out of the frame. He gazes out toward the audience with a relaxed expression on his face. He wears a dark coloured cloth blindfold around his forehead, a pair of thick framed glasses, a patterned short sleeve button up shirt, and a dark coloured skirt. Behind him is a metal folding chair and a large plywood assemblage, a rectangular box that is slightly taller than the man. The front face of the box has a slight slope to it and is decorated with pieces of wood trim attached to form a geometric motif with diamond forms and angular details. At the top edge of the frame there is the bottom hem of a hanging white sleeveless dress and at the right edge of the frame is a curly telephone cord.


Documentation of Orpheus. Warren Arcand is pictured onstage performing. 


1993.0911 ORP I006


1 35mm negative


Merle Addison

Related program

Orpheus (Related)
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