Orpheus, negative 5

Warren Arcand
September 11, 1993

object image

Creative Access Description

Black and white portrait image of an Indigenous man sitting on a stool at the edge of a low stage. His hands rest on his knees which are bent at a right angle in front on him. He looks out toward the audience, but his vision and upper face is obscured by a dark cloth blindfold tied around his head. He also wears a patterned short sleeve button up shirt, a dark coloured skirt, and no shoes. Behind him and to his right is a large plywood assemblage, a rectangular box that is slightly taller than the man. The front face of the box has a slight slope to it and is decorated with pieces of wood trim attached to form a geometric motif with diamond forms and angular details. In front of the assemblage on the stage is a small plastic bin with a handle, possibly the vegetable drawer from a refrigerator. To the right of the assemblage a sleeveless white dress hangs from a hanger a few feet off the ground and at the front of the stage a simple wooden swing hangs from two ropes that extend upward into the darkness that shrouds the rest of the stage.


Documentation of Orpheus. Warren Arcand is pictured onstage performing.


1993.0911 ORP I003


1 35mm negative


Merle Addison

Related program

Orpheus (Related)
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