Orpheus, negative 4

Warren Arcand
September 11, 1993

object image

Creative Access Description

Black and white portrait image of an Indigenous man sitting on a stool at the edge of a low stage. His hands rest on his knees which are bent at a right angle in front on him. His head leans slightly forward gazing downward at his hands and the shadows obscure his facial features. He wears a dark blindfold tied around his head, a patterned short sleeve button up shirt, a dark coloured skirt, and no shoes. Directly to his left there is another stool on which sits a telephone. Next to this stool is a step ladder that extends out of the frame, darkened by shadow. Behind him and to his right is a large plywood assemblage, a rectangular box that is slightly taller than the man. The front face of the box has a slight slope to it and is decorated with pieces of wood trim attached to form a geometric motif with diamond forms and angular details. In front of the assemblage on the stage is a small plastic bin with a handle, possibly the vegetable drawer from a refrigerator. To the right of the assemblage a sleeveless white dress hangs from a hanger a few feet off the ground. The rest of the stage is shrouded in darkness.


Documentation of Orpheus. Warren Arcand is pictured onstage performing. 


1993.0911 ORP I002


1 35mm negative


Merle Addison

Related program

Orpheus (Related)
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