Rinse, digital image 2

Amrita Hepi
September 21, 2022

object image

Creative Access Description

Colour landscape image of a Bundjulung and Ngapuhi woman dancing under a spotlight. She wears a loose fitting white button up shirt and black slacks, grey running shoes, white socks, and a wireless microphone attached at her left ear. Her long black hair is tied back with some strands spilling over her right shoulder. She lies on the floor on her right side facing the camera, with her right arm extended parallel to the floor and her left arm crossing her chest in support, palm flat on the floor. Her left leg is extended straight out at a forty five degree angle with respect to the floor, while her right leg is bent in support, her right foot meeting her left knee. Her face wears an expression of concentration and labour. The overhead light illuminates the hardwood floor of the stage receding into darkness behind her.


Documentation of Rinse. Amrita Hepi is pictured onstage performing. 


2022.0921 MAS I002


1 digital image


Rachel Topham

Related program

Maskisin ᒪᐢᑭᓯᐣ and Rinse (Related)
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