Syncretic Birthrights, digital image 18

Odera Igbokwe
June 12 – July 8, 2023

object image

Creative Access Description

A colour portrait image of an oil painting on a wooden panel in portrait orientation on a white wall in a gallery space. The painting is 18 inches by 24 inches tall. It features a swirl and sweep of soft candy pink and purple clouds wrapped around a seated figure with one leg raised. The head and left arm are draped over their knee, and their Black skin is in contrast while also being complementary to the swirling pinks and lavenders of their hair. Their right arm and shoulder blend into the soft clothing which itself morphs and hints at buildings and a city line. The figure sits upon or comes out of a large building with a rounded door, stationed on a stone plinth high above the ground. To both sides of the resting body, clouds, and cityscape are two figures in profile, potentially guarding or standing watch. They blend and match the colours and shapes of the central figure, but are still distinct against a pale blue, softly darkening sky. The painting has a serene but watchful feeling as if the resting figure is also a sleeping castle, protected by their vigilant guards.


Detail shot of the work Oya's Gate in Syncretic Birthrights.


2023.0512 SYN I018


1 digital image


Dennis Ha

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Syncretic Birthrights (Related)
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