Syncretic Birthrights, digital image 10

Odera Igbokwe
June 12 – July 8, 2023

object image

Creative Access Description

A colour portrait image of an oil painting on a wooden panel in portrait orientation on a white wall in a gallery space. The painting is 20” wide and 30” tall. The painting features a solitary figure standing upright with their fingers wide and reaching, their arms extended, one raised over their head, and one reaching towards their feet. A long copper-coloured braid coils up and around their arm in a huge infinity sign, like a figure 8 rotated 90 degrees. They are wearing textured garments reminiscent of Nigerian masquerades, composed of raffia and palm garments. This garment extends downward, in tiers from the shoulders down to their ankles all the colour of copper and flame. They stand on tip-toe within a ring of fire that leaps up from a crucible atop an earth-coloured altar, surrounded by large, soft-petaled flowers and the occasional candle. Floating before them is a sword with ornate handles, an Ofo staff traditionally held by Igbo men during ceremony, and around their neck is a huge copper ringed medallion with a large cowrie shell at its centre. In the candy, pastel sky are softly swirling clouds and undulating waves of water. The image is cradled by a huge arching rainbow at the top.


Detail shot of the work The Altar in Syncretic Birthrights.


2023.0512 SYN I010


1 digital image


Dennis Ha

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