Lisa Simpson



Artist, Educator, Musician


Lisa Simpson has been playing the Singer, a sewing machine, since 2003. In the daytime, she tackles unwanted clothing, pins them down and cuts them up, transforming them into new wearable shapes. By transforming wardrobes she is questioning contemporary consumption habits, bringing forth a discussion around the sustainability of the fashion industry. At nighttime the Singer joins her fellow musicians and Lisa sews to the beat of the music, improvising on clothing based on rhythm and sound. The prepared sewing machine is amplified to become a musical instrument and layers of sound are looped as layers of fabric are stitched together, creating a dreamlike soundscape, enhanced by self built wearable oscillators and feedback machines.

Lisa has a Bachelor degree in Visual Arts from Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná, a Master of Applied Arts degree from Emily Carr University of Art and Design, and is a graduate of the Institute for Art in Context at Universität der Künste Berlin. Lisa is a guest lecturer for Sound Studies at UdK. She has performed extensively on an international level, including at Goethe Institut Jakarta, Schneidertempel Istanbul, Akademie der Künste, HKW, the Vancouver Art Gallery, Museum der Fünf Kontinente Munich, the Bimhuis Amsterdam, Curitiba Fashion Week, among others. Lisa currently lives and works in Berlin, and is involved in a range of different projects in collaboration with artists and interested audiences.

Agente Costura, 2024

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