Tanya Mars



Artist, Educator


Tanya Mars is a feminist performance artist who has been actively involved in the Canadian art scene since 1973 doing many different things. She has lived and worked in Quebec, Ontario and Nova Scotia. Since the 1970s, Mars’ work has focused on creating spectacular feminist imagery that places women at the centre of the narrative. Since the mid-1990s, her performances have included endurance, durational and site-specific strategies. Her work is political, satirical and humorous. She has worked both independently and collaboratively to create both large-scale as well as intimate performances in Canada and internationally. Ironic to Iconic: The Performance Works of Tanya Mars, was published in 2008 by FADO, edited by Paul Couillard. She has edited two volumes of Canadian women performance artists with Johanna Householder: Caught in the Act and More Caught in the Act. She is the recipient of a 2008 Governor General’s Award in Visual and Media Arts. Recently retired from teaching at the University of Toronto Scarborough for 25 years, Mars lives off-grid in Nova Scotia. She has one daughter and 3 grandsons.

University of Toronto, 2024

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