Lycia Trouton



Artist, Curator, Educator, Writer


Lycia Trouton is a multi-award winning artist and contemporary art historian. Her work insightfully grasps the exploration of liminal spaces with both intellectual rigour and a desire to bring humaneness to light. As a freelance sculptor, writer-critic, curator, presenter, and university lecturer, Dr. Trouton has had the opportunity to build community through her art. Her commemorative works, research and teaching sparks excitement and breeds innovation. Lycia’s focus is often on the creation of work that offers an allusion to the past and reveals a discussion of social themes. With giant earthworks, land art creations, and site-specific, touring sculpture, she has managed to stretch our imagination with sheer physicality. Her exhibitions emphasize the peculiarity and preciousness of objects and the archival necessity to commemorate the genius of a story retold.

Lycia Trouton, 2024