Boris Nieslony



Archivist, Artist, Curator, Educator, Organizer


Boris Nieslony was born 1945 in Germany and lives in Cologne. He has worked intensively as a performance artist, curator, archivist, and independent scholar, staging various installations, interventions and artist projects since the 1970s. He is the founder of Black Market International, a performance group that meets regularly in various configurations to realize group performance projects. And also the instigator of the ASA foundation, a platform for a self-organizing rhizomatic network of performance artists and theorists. Nieslony is recognized as one of the most prolific and significant contributors to performance art. Nieslony creates unpredictable and unrepeatable improvisational performance works that manifest “an encounter and its effects.” Responding to local circumstances, Nieslony develops images attuned to the moment, rigorously searching for the truth of self-recognition at the intersection of history and live presence. His impressive performance style stems from the motto “life is art enough.”

Contexts, 2021

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