Kai Kaljo



Artist, Curator, Educator


Kai Kaljo is a diverse artist who graduated from the department of painting at the Estonian State Art Institute in 1990. Her graduation work consisted of fresco paintings for the culture house in Abja-Paluoja. The artist has participated in exhibitions since 1985 and since 1997 Kaljo has mainly practised as a video artist in the international field of art. Kai Kaljo has worked as a part-time lecturer at the Estonian Academy of Arts in 1990–2021 and as a professor-associate professor of contemporary art at the Tallinn University Baltic Film, Media and Arts School in 2006–2017. She has received several art awards (such as the awards of the annual exhibitions of the Estonian Centre for Contemporary Art in 1994 and 1997; Kristjan Raud Art Award in 2006 and others) and been in artist residencies in USA, Canada, Iceland, Italy, Finland. Kai Kaljo’s artwork of the recent years includes a return to matter (Experiments with Microcosm in 2021; and curatorial projects Artists Painting Artists in 2020 and Schoolmates in 2021).

Echo Gone Wrong, 2022

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