Denise Carson Wilde





Denise Carson Wilde used to be a full time letterpress printer which requires exactness, patience, and acute attention to detail. Although she still possess these fine qualities, she now prefers to work intuitively from a state of not knowing and free attention. For her, the act of painting is an act of faith. Wilde's greatest inspiration is the visual abstractive essence of nature. She sees it embodied in much of her work. She lives both on Gabriola Island and Vancouver, BC, but it is the island, where her studio is, that she spends most of her time. Much of her imagery comes out of a direct observation of the aqueous experience of living near the edge of the Salish Sea. Tide pools, shapely floating seaweed and colourful anemones are plentiful and have worked their way into her visual language. And then there is the garden, the wind, the trees, the expansive ocean and the constantly shifting light. And within this orchestration of nature is the dynamic interplay of color and the energetic quality of color itself. It is all of this that guides and nourishes her artistic practice.

Denise Carson Wilde, 2024