Lyndell Montgomery



Artist, Author, Composer, Educator, Musician, Writer


British Columbia born and raised Lyndell Montgomery, aka: Captain Dirt, is a multi-instrumentalist touring machine. She has composed, arranged, recorded, booked, publicized, and tour managed with countless artists around the globe. Her musical experiences have taken her from India to Australia, Europe to North America, and beyond. Lyndell is currently the producer of Beau’s Oktoberfest, an annual three-day music/culture/beer festival situated in Vankleek Hill, Ontario. She is also co-author of the widely acclaimed book Boys Like Her; Transfictions. Aside from composition, live performance, management, and production, Lyndell works with the Alberta’s based Rocker Girl Camp and the Ottawa Blues Festival as a music educator.

Ottawa Grassroots Festival, 2024

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