Libby Hague





Libby Hague is a Toronto-based printmaker. Her curiosity and inventiveness have in-formed a hybrid practice involving creation of large, immersive print installations through which she examines social relationships in our precarious world. Hague holds an RCA, BFA (Honors) degree from Concordia University, Montreal, and is a member of Open Studio in Toronto. Hague has shown her work across Canada and internationally. Select presentations include a retrospective exhibition, The past is never over, Art Gallery of Mississauga, ON; Every Heart can Grow Bigger: make room, O.D.D. Gallery, Dawson, YT; Every Heart can Grow Bigger, Gallery Stratford, ON; On this Wondrous Sea, Karachi Biennale, Pakistan; International Print Triennial, Krakow, Poland; Over the Horizon, Open Studio, ON, and most recently MOVEMENT Toronto<>Vienna, The Artificial Museum and PixFilmCollective.

Adapted from Smokestack, 2022

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