Dagmar Dahle



Artist, Educator, Writer


Dagmar Dahle is a visual artist, writer, and educator who has lived and worked in Lethbridge since 1997. She has exhibited widely in Canada and Europe, including at CASA, Lethbridge, The Southern Alberta Art Gallery, Moose Jaw Museum and Art Gallery, Stride Gallery, L’endroit Indiqué, Château des Portes, and in 2011-12, she was part of the touring group exhibition, Animal, curated by Corinna Ghaznavi (Museum London, Kenderdine Art Gallery, The Robert McLaughlin Gallery, Dalhousie Art Gallery). Dagmar has participated in international residencies, including in Svalbard, Berlin, Taipei, Banff, and Paris. Dagmar’s poetic prose piece, Painting John Brown Painting was published in Ars Medica. Her work has been funded by the Canada Council for the Arts, the Alberta Foundation for the Arts, and the University of Lethbridge. Dagmar studied at the University of Victoria and the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design and is a retired faculty member of the Department of Art at the University of Lethbridge.

Adapted from Galleries West, 2022