Julie Faubert





Since 2001, Julie Faubert has produced numerous installations and interventions that link writing practices and the collection of objects to relational approaches, sound practices to urban excesses. From a transdisciplinary perspective, Julie Faubert is interested in the space occupied/unoccupied by the body in the West. She questions the founding dualism of our perceptions, our spaces and our words. Through the creation of places, she pursues a reflection on the relationship between body and thought in our constructions/creations of meaning. Over the years, installations and interventions, sound becomes an anchor point, an articulator of the body-space relationship. The movements of visitors (real, imaginary, physical, psychological, etc.) act as intermediaries between the visual and the sound, they come to nourish the act of listening and the intimate encounter generated by the sound. Deeply committed to the quest for a real public space, her practice invests worlds parallel to that of art: industry, the cloister, the street, the neighbourhood. In a crossover with her practice, she is currently completing a doctorate (Ph.D. Espacio público y regeneración urbana: arte y sociedad, Universitat de Barcelona / Ph.D in planning, University of Montreal) which focuses more specifically on sound paths urban spaces and the aesthetic, ethical and political issues linked to the presence of the body in the public space.

Université Laval, 2023

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