Andrea Cooper





Andrea Cooper is an interdisciplinary artist with a Masters in Visual Studies from the University of Toronto and a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Concordia. Cooper's video Honey premiered at the Berlin International Film Festival's Forum Expanded in 2010. Strange Things premiered at the Berlin International Film Festival's Forum Expanded in 2007 and won the National Film Board of Canada's Emerging Filmmaker/Video Artist Award at the Toronto Images Festival. Previous group exhibitions include Mimetism at Extra City in Antwerp and Darkness Ascends at the Museum of Contemporary Canadian Art in Toronto. Cooper's video and installation work has been exhibited in galleries across Canada and internationally, most recently Starring Part 2 was exhibited at the Rooms as part of the exhibition Future Possible in 2019 in St. John’s. Her live performance Mammoth premiered at the Festival of New Dance in St. John’s in October 2019. In 2020, she received Canada Council for the Arts Creation Accelerator funding to create CRISION VISION, augmented reality filters for Instagram that explores societal change. In 2020, she also received a Canada Council for the Arts Digital Originals to adapt Mammoth. Cooper lives and works in St. John’s, Newfoundland Canada.

Andrea Cooper, 2023

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