Susi Milne




Roles at grunt

Board Member (2004 – 2009)


Susi Milne is a Canadian artist known for her drawings, watercolours, and electronic mixed media art objects. Her works range from paintings, paper and textile sculptures, and video/photo based art to politically themed poetry/performance art. Milne's eclectic practice is informed through her life and work as "living art." Milne served as the President of the Board of Directors and member-at-large of the grunt gallery, Vancouver in the early 2000s and has a robust history with several other artist-run centres in Vancouver, including years as program director at the Western Front in the late 1980s.

Currently Milne has a robust social media following and is looking forward to confirming her Influencer status. She has exhibited and performed her artwork and performance/poetry nationally and internationally over her diverse career; most recently with five large-scale paintings and a large textile sculpture last August that appeared in SPACE, curated by Laura Lee Coles. Several of Milne's watercolour paintings were featured in prestigious literary journals during 2018-19. Milne's iconic watercolour interpretation for the #METOO movement appeared nationally and internationally in 2017, both online and as large scale banners at rallies. Milne exhibited watercolour paper frieze works at Artbeat Vancouver 2014 and 2015; and was curated into a prestigious group show at The Roundhouse in 2016. Born and bred into the rich Canadian art scene, Milne's lives in an art abode overlooking the seaside of the Pacific Northwest coastal mountain range.

Susi Milne, 2023

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