Tom Sherman



Artist, Writer


Tom Sherman is a video artist and writer. He is also a performance artist, appearing in nearly all of his videos. Much of his work is text-based. He incorporates his own writing into his video work with voice-over commentary. Nature, death, human-machine relationships, and communication are major themes in Sherman’s work.

Sherman received a BFA from Eastern Michigan University. He immigrated to Canada in 1972, settling in Toronto. Through A Space Gallery, he completed his post-graduate work. He contributed regularly to CBC radio, worked as a writer and music video producer for TVO, and co-founded Fuse magazine. As a video officer for the Canada Council for the Arts, he established their grant programs for computer-integrated media. In 2002, the Banff Centre Press published his fourth book. He performs and records with the duo Nerve Theory. Although he teaches in the Department of Transmedia at Syracuse University, he considers the south shore of Nova Scotia his home.

Sherman’s recent work focuses on the culture of messaging, as well as the landscape and species of Nova Scotia. His older works, such as East on the 401,1978 and TVideo,1980, have been widely exhibited. He has had shows at the Museum of Modern Art, Festival International du Film sur l’art, Wiener Konzerthaus (Vienna), and Ars Electronica (Austria). He represented Canada at the 1980 Venice Biennale. In 2003, he was awarded the Bell Canada Award for excellence in video art. He is a winner of the 2010 Governor General’s Award in Visual and Media Arts. 

(National Gallery of Canada, 2022)

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