Laura Busheikin





If you're reading this, we have something in common: we love stories. That's why we are here on Medium.

I love telling all kinds of stories, but above all I love writing about place—about how we humans shape and are shaped by place.

These days that means writing about the rural land cooperative I co-founded and happily live on, and about the wonderful local culture of Denman Island, the remote British Columbia Island I live on.

You'll also find me writing about First Nations reconciliation, again focusing on place, in this case the complex journey of creating justice and renewal after centuries of brutal colonization.

Behind the scenes I'm a writer for hire, offering writing and editing services including website content, magazine articles, grant proposals, and more. I'm also an elected official with the unique governing body of the islands in the BC's Salish Sea—a different way of connecting to place-based storytelling.

(Laura Busheikin, 2022)

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