Radix Theatre
Artist CollectiveAbout
Radix Theatre Society has been producing innovative and exciting performance events locally and nationally since 1988. Their mandate is to foster the creation and production of original and socially relevant work. The company primarily creates interdisciplinary performance but also ventures into installation work and other media, focusing on experimentation and collaborative creation. Radix is comprised of five Artistic Associates who collectively determine company projects and direction.Radix Theatre, 2024~root~>
1885 Venables Street~root~>Vancouver~root~>, BC~root~> Canada~root~>
grunt gallery Programming Archive (Artist)Related programs
Half-a-Tank (Artist)The Sniffy the Rat 10th Anniversary Bus Tour (Artist)
LIVE Biennial of Performance Art 2001 (Artist)
LIVE Biennial of Performance Art 2003 (Artist)